Growing up with Two Cultures. A Psychoanalytical Reading of "Anita and Me" by Meera Syal

Term Paper, 2017

16 Pages, Grade: 1,3


Abstract or Introduction

My term paper is aimed at finding out, how Meena’s identity changes throughout the book and how growing up with two cultures affects this process. The analysis mainly sections into four parts: The first step will be to explain Freud’s fundamental theory, including his significant technical terms. After that, I will explain how the English and Indian culture are presented in the novel. Then I will transfer Freud’s hypotheses to Meena’s behaviour by finding appropriate examples in the novel. In the end I will complete my work by summing up my findings as well as reflecting them.


Growing up with Two Cultures. A Psychoanalytical Reading of "Anita and Me" by Meera Syal
University of Paderborn  (Anglistik/Amerikanistik)
Meera Syal
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
cultural, intercultural, bicultural, culture, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytical, reading, anita and me, meera syal, meera, syal, close reading, identity, identification, human identity, british, indian, britain, india, british identity, indian identity, theory, immigration, immigrants, immigrant, personality, personal development, two cultures, growing up with two cultures, freud, sigmund freud, book, novel, analysis, interpretation, it, id, i, ego, above I, above-I, superego, moral concept, moral concepts, ethical concept, ethical concepts, intermediator, intermediators, instinct, instincts, norm, norms, standard, standards, value, values, system, value system, norm system, stereotype, stereotypes, prejudice, prejudices, english, england, gb, great britain, feist, jess feist, oyserman, daphne oyserman, elmore, kristen elmore, smith, george smith, concept, self-concept, self-perception, self concept, self perception, self-image, self image, society, societal, childhood, youth, teenage, teenagers, teenie, teenies, socialisation, socialization, behavior, behaviour, verma, gajendra verma, gajendra k verma, gajendra k. verma, disadvantage, disadvantages, multiculture, multicultural, growing up, growing, growing up with cultures
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Anonymous, 2017, Growing up with Two Cultures. A Psychoanalytical Reading of "Anita and Me" by Meera Syal, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: Growing up with Two Cultures. A Psychoanalytical Reading of "Anita and Me" by Meera Syal

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