Mathematical model for the biocontrol of vector-borne viral diseases in solanaceous vegetable plants

Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation, 2022

129 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

This thesis treats the issue of Vector-Borne Virus Diseases (VBVDs) that are transmitted in solanaceous vegetable plants by incorporating three species of vectors (aphids, thrips and whiteflies). A mathematical model was developed that used lady beetles as biological control agents for controlling the spread of diseases in solanaceous vegetable plants through predation. The research adopted the linearization method.

This research is restricted to a biological control of VBVDs of solanaceous vegetable plants using compartmental modeling approach. The model is a system of first order nonlinear ODEs. Additionally, the study is limited to three solanaceous plants (i.e. tomato, pepper and eggplant). This is because solanaceous plants are among the world's most cultivated crops and given proper conditions and regular maintenance, they are relatively easy to grow. We focused on viral diseases that affect solanaceous vegetable plants especially Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (YLCV), Spotted Wilt Virus (SWV) and Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV).

It is a common knowledge that these plant viruses also require some sort of carrier, known as vectors to transmit the pathogen from plant to plant. Therefore, the study is demarcated to a class of aphids (green peach aphids), thrips (T. tabasi) and whiteflies (Bemisia tabasi) because these ones are reported as the common problem associated with solanaceous plants which can be controlled by natural predatory enemies - ladybugs (hippodamia convergens).


Mathematical model for the biocontrol of vector-borne viral diseases in solanaceous vegetable plants
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola
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Timothy Ado Shamaki (Author), 2022, Mathematical model for the biocontrol of vector-borne viral diseases in solanaceous vegetable plants, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: Mathematical model for the biocontrol of vector-borne viral diseases in solanaceous vegetable plants

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