E-Agriculture and Smart Farmers. Mobile Phone Use for Agricultural Information


17 Páginas

Resumen o Introducción

The key objective of the study is to examine the use of mobile phones by the farmers how smartly they can utilize for their agricularal development. The study is designed to achieve specific objectives, which are: Exploring the use of cell phone pertaining to access and receipt of agricultural information. Investigating the understanding the technology and participation of the farmers in receiving mobile phone based services. Examining the obstacles that the famers face in terms access and getting information related to agriculture products, process.

Bangladesh is predominantly an agrarian country. Despite several challenges, the country has achieved self-sufficiency in cereal food production. It is already evident that e-agriculture especially the expansion of mobile phone has tremendously boosted up the agricultural production in Bangladesh. Couples of vibrant mobile based agro advisory initiatives have also been evolved in last decade. The present study has been made to find out the status of the farmers in understanding and participation in access to agricultural information using mobile phone. Ten farmers were randomly selected from Dhamrai upazila of Dhaka district and Manikganj Sadar upazilla of Manikganj district. Semi-structured questionary-based survey, FGD was done.


E-Agriculture and Smart Farmers. Mobile Phone Use for Agricultural Information
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Palabras clave
e-agriculture, smart, farmers, mobile, phone, agricultural, information
Citar trabajo
Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim (Autor), E-Agriculture and Smart Farmers. Mobile Phone Use for Agricultural Information, Múnich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1303144


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