Characterization of Resonant Coupled Inductor in a Wireless Power Transfer System

Research Paper (postgraduate), 2022

35 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

This research project uses resonant inductive coupling to transfer power wirelessly. It uses a low power supply to transmit power. The scope of this study is limited to the construction of a simplified WPT system using a resonant coupled inductor system. This study includes the matching sections, derivation of relationship between the coupling coefficient and distance and the parameters (quality factor, coupling coefficients, mutual inductance, resonance frequency) of the resonators. The researcher uses a 12V, 5W CYD LED bulb as the load to be able to distinguish easily whether the system is operating well or not. This study will not cover other possible methods in improving the efficiency of a wireless power.

Wireless power transfer based on coupled magnetic resonances is a new technology in which energy can be transferred via coupled magnetic resonances in the non-radiative near-field. This paper presents the design, simulation, fabrication, and experimental characterization of a single-loop inductor that acts as the receiver and transmitter of the system. A circuit model is presented to provide a convenient reference for the analysis of the transfer characteristics of a magnetically coupled resonator system. Based on this structure, the output voltage in the receiving loop is related to different transfer distances and orientations. A given driving frequency was simulated and analyzed. The driving resonant frequency of the system is approximately 580 kHz.


Characterization of Resonant Coupled Inductor in a Wireless Power Transfer System
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characterization, resonant, coupled, inductor, wireless, power, transfer, system
Quote paper
Alan Nebrida (Author), 2022, Characterization of Resonant Coupled Inductor in a Wireless Power Transfer System, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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