Intercultural Competence. The Adoption of an English Corporate Language Strategy by Multinational Companies and Non-Verbal Communication

Akademische Arbeit

19 Seiten

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In this coursework dossier assignment, the pros and cons of the impact of the adoption of an English corporate language strategy by multinational companies is discussed. Afterwards, the non-verbal communication with reference to expert communication models and cultural value systems existing in a country or country cluster is explored. The maintenance, development, and conflicts of Muslim identity within modern-day Europe is also considered.

The topic of the English language in companies has become increasingly important with globalization and is an integral part of international companies. The starting point for this development was the increasing internationalization of the markets more than twenty years ago. It is estimated that at least two billion people throughout the world now speak English. Because of this, more international companies are choosing English as their language of business. That is why many people believe that in today's corporate world, English is a must, and you have to speak it well. Whether English is an advantage or a disadvantage but that depends on each individual.

The first argument put forward in favor of introducing English as the language of business is standardization. If everyone speaks the same language and meetings are held, people will be able to communicate effectively and efficiently. There will be no discussions or false expectations when it comes to the language used in meetings within the company, but also and especially in cross-company meetings. Consequently, you will not use interpreters for negotiations. At the time, this language mediation service was perceived as a nuisance by many parties involved and also caused high costs. This topic is becoming increasingly important today and is becoming more and more important in times of globalization.


Intercultural Competence. The Adoption of an English Corporate Language Strategy by Multinational Companies and Non-Verbal Communication
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
intercultural, competence, adoption, english, corporate, language, strategy, multinational, companies, non-verbal, communication
Arbeit zitieren
Nico Neumann (Autor:in), Intercultural Competence. The Adoption of an English Corporate Language Strategy by Multinational Companies and Non-Verbal Communication, München, GRIN Verlag,


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Titel: Intercultural Competence.  The Adoption of an English Corporate Language Strategy by Multinational Companies and Non-Verbal Communication

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