Effective Leadership in early Childhood Education Centres in Ghana

Term Paper, 2021

5 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

In this paper, the concept of leadership and the characteristics of effective leaders of ECE centres in Ghana will be critically examined. Early childhood education settings are referred to by all sorts of names; kindergarten, preschools, early learning centres, or early childhood education centre. Irrespective of what label is used, it is known that apart from the home, the early childhood centre is where children spend most of their early years. Leadership in such places, therefore, has the potential to mould a child's approach and appreciation of humanity. It is important for leadership at this level to create a quality learning and living environment, in which children can be allowed to relate and interact with each other and with the caring staff, away from the hustle and hectic life of the fast-moving economy of the 21st century. After identifying some key individuals who contribute to the affairs of early childhood centres, then comes the question, who then is an effective leader?


Effective Leadership in early Childhood Education Centres in Ghana
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effective, leadership, childhood, education, centres, ghana
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Anthony Woode-Eshun (Author), 2021, Effective Leadership in early Childhood Education Centres in Ghana, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1153671


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