Technical, Vocational Education and Training: An Incubator of Research, Science and Technology

Studienarbeit, 2021

11 Seiten

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

Technical Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) is an incubator of research science and Technology. All technologically advanced countries like Britain, United States, France, Israel and Asian Tigers (China, Japan, Singapore) arrived where they are today by giving TVET the attention it deserves. The thrust of this study was therefore to promote a more nuanced view of TVET institutions as Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their role in promoting research, science and technology. The target population was all lecturers and students of TVET institutions in Kakamega County. Using a structured questionnaire, the study sampled views of 18 lecturers and 12 students from 3 TVET institutions in Kakamega County concerning the role of TVET institutions in promoting research, science and Technology. It was established majority of the institutions were in active collaborations with relevant institutions and that this had led to income generating projects relevant to their curriculum. However, inadequate funds were identified as an impediment in the role of TVET institutions as an incubator of research science and technology. As a way forward, it was recommended that TVET institutions should receive adequate funding to enable them to engage in research and to promote science and technology.


Technical, Vocational Education and Training: An Incubator of Research, Science and Technology
ISBN (eBook)
technical, vocational, education, training, incubator, research, science, technology
Arbeit zitieren
Dr Dina Were (Autor:in)James Okou (Autor:in), 2021, Technical, Vocational Education and Training: An Incubator of Research, Science and Technology, München, GRIN Verlag,


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