The Role of Business Advisory Council in Promoting Small and Medium Scale Enterprise

Bachelor Thesis, 2018

90 Pages, Grade: 70

Abstract or Introduction

This study was conducted to examine the role of the Business Advisory Centre in Micro and small enterprises' development in South Tongu District, Ghana. It further aimed at identifying the achievements of the BAC as well as the challenges the BAC is confronted with. The research design employed in this research work was the case study approach. It made use of both quantitative and qualitative data. Purposive sampling was employed in selecting the BAC whilst the random sampling technique was used to select 92 MSEs.

The survey revealed that the BAC in South Tongu District delivers all its expected roles required of them by the NBSSI. However, the BAC is only capacitated to conduct 12 training sessions out of the 27 which is expected of them by the NBSSI. The center has had a significant contribution to the development of the MSE sector. Amongst the key contribution made to the MSEs include improvement in technical abilities; good business management training management and practices; good knowledge on working environment (competitors and suppliers); improvement in income as a result of good business management training; easy dissemination of information due to availability of local business associations; and access to credits.
The BAC in South Tongu has been in operation for five years and has trained a total of 435 persons through Management Development Services (MDS), Community Based Training (CBT), Business Counseling and Strengthening of Associations.
The study revealed the impeding factors affecting the smooth and efficient operations of the BAC in the South Tongu District. They include inadequate logistics; over-reliance on central government funds; mobility (Accessibility); inability to help people start up businesses after training; untimely release of funds; and inadequate human resources.
The study suggests some recommendations to enhance the role of BAC to help develop the MSE sector. Amongst them are the provision of adequate human resources for the BAC, timely delivery of funds, demand-driven service provision, intensify guidance and assistance of MSEs to access loans, ensuring equitable distribution of services, and frequent visitations to MSEs.

The Government through the NBSSI is therefore urged to adopt the above-proposed strategies to enhance the service delivery of the BAC.


The Role of Business Advisory Council in Promoting Small and Medium Scale Enterprise
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Catalog Number
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role, business, advisory, council, promoting, small, medium, scale, enterprise
Quote paper
Richard Mensah (Author)Bridget Amedzo (Author), 2018, The Role of Business Advisory Council in Promoting Small and Medium Scale Enterprise, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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